1. An act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast.
2. The state of being close together or side by side.
(Taken from Dictionary.com)
The act of juxtaposing is to place two objects or word next to each other. When 2 things put side to side, your brain will try to figure out what is the relationship between these two?
What automatically happens is that there is transference of meaning, usually from something familiar to something less familiar. That is when a conflict between our left brain and right brain happens...
Basically, from my understanding, juxtaposition is about comparing two things (usually) side by side, giving the chance for the brain to work something out according to the topic that a person wanted especially on creativity.
We place the picture of a person next to the picture of a monkey. Automatically we will assume that they share similar characteristics. The transference of meaning will happen in our brains automatically. We will assume that the person is like a monkey or that the monkey is like the person.
Ideas information and also its stages that would convert people into a new dimension of world.
What are the meanings of these indulgence words?
Novelty: state or quality of being novel, new, unique, or newness.
Example on Novelty:
There is nothing more novelty than God's creation. (Taken from Youtube on Novelty theory)
Creativity: the process by which one utilizes creative ability, the state or quality of being creative.
Example on Creativity:
Morgan That's Fit For A Prince Some people are so rich they can have a unique car built for them - and here's the proof. This is the Morgan Aeromax, commissioned by Prince Eric Sturzda, president of Swiss bank Barings. (source from www.autoexpress.co.uk)
Innovation: a new way of doing something. It may refer to incremental, radical, and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations.
Example on Innovation:
The Videotape Recorder
On April 14, 1956, CBS demonstrated the world's first videotape recorder. The machine was the Ampex Mark IV VTR prototype, which was later marketed as the VRX-1000 for a price of $45,000. In the first week, orderswere written for more than 70 machines. There were many contenders in this market. The BBC, RCA, and others had designs that worked, but gave poor quality images and because they relied on passing a huge length of tape over the recording heads very quickly, the recording time was short. ( 4 to 15 minutes ) The RCA machine pulled half inch tape across the recording heads at a rate of 30 feet a second, recording for only 4 minutes a reel. The Ampex system used an FM signal system, recorded with four heads and used a special 2 inch tape at a speed of 15 inches a second. (90 minutes a reel) Although the Ampex system had many faults, it proved endurable over a period of 20 years. 50 years later some of the original machines were still working.
Invention: the discovery or creation of a new configuration, composition of matter, device, or process.
Example on Invention:
John Baird (1888 - 1946) invented a mechanical television system.
(John Baird - televised human face)
John Logie Baird was born on August 13th, 1888, in Helensburgh, Dunbarton, Scotland and died on June 14th, 1946, in Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, England. John Baird received a diploma course in electrical engineering at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College (now called Strathclyde University), and studied towards his Bachelor of Science Degree in electrical engineering from the University of Glasgow, interrupted by the outbreak of W.W.I.
(source from http://inventors.about.com)
In class Activities: Describing a person by just using a picture, text and some drawings by taking the pictures, cut from magazines. - I picked Google "brothers" for my collage experiment.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin
This is what I see to describe Sergey Brin. :D
Wednesday- 19 Nov 08 +++++
Mr. Radzi started the class by showing several of students' previous class's works.
Learn about mind mapping, the types of mind mapping are revealed for us to see and practice.
This is the mind map I made about myself. Most of it are all about my favorites and there are also some negative things that requires me a change. I really hope by doing this exercise, I would managed to have the ability to change myself into someone better, especially in this upcoming new year. :)
It is told that mind-mapping is a way or a door to explore the ideas broadly in terms of creativity and innovation. From mind-mapping, we can create new things and ideas in order to expand the basic root of the main idea. By doing this, we can automatically be innovative and also inventive.
Besides that, we have also been told to create a blog to fill in our journal. We can do this as creative as we can.
In the journal (blog), we need to fill in these 4 main elements, which are:
1. Everything learned in the class. 2. Reflection from the learning. 3. Information & experience sharing from whatever books, journals, websites, pictures and quotes. 4. Last but not least, whatever we think that is most suitable be called as creative things. :D
From the beginning of the course, we were mentioned to do our blogs in the edublogs.org. But then, because of errors occurred while dealing with the blog, we were then asked by Ms. Helena to changed to our favorite blog site in order to fulfill this assessment.
By having our journal in the blog, we can gain so many advantages from it, which includes:
1. We can document our understandings and applications of creativity in a creative format from the classes that Mr. Radzi and Ms. Helena brilliantly conducted earlier. 2. It is essential for us as students to cultivate or promote the habit to expressing our creative ideas and information in order for us to share it with people, not only from MMU itself, but also the world. This would definitely generates a new way of thinking and also a new types of ideas that people can look at and may be they can take it for their uses as we share with each others.
Mind maps are tools that help us think and remember better, creatively solve problems and take action. The mind map encourages creativity and flexibility, and you need these to make your resolutions happen! Mind maps help you think outside the box.
If you’ve already made your list, try turning it into a mind map. If you haven’t made your list yet, try this strategy.
They help you avoid thinking linearly They open you up to creativity and new ways of thinking They’re more realistic, because most things aren’t orderly to begin with They help you get the big picture They naturally hook into your right brain, where creativity and intuition can help you
Not all ideas organize themselves tidily into an outline format, and linear thinking is limiting.
About the Author
Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, GLOBAL EQ. Emotional intelligence coaching to enhance all areas of your life - career, relationships, midlife transition, resilience, self-esteem, parenting. EQ Alive! - excellent, accelerated, affordable EQ coach certification. Susan is the author of numerous ebooks, is widely published on the Internet, and a regular speaker for cruise lines. For marketing services go here: http://www.susandunn.cc.